After some misadventure and blind alleys I have an efficient and reliable approach to panelising PCBs in Eagle with v-scoring (v-cuts) to aid in board separation. I am using Eagle 9.6.2 (free version) and send PCBs to Seeed Studio.
The starting point is the Sparkfun-Panelizer ULP. Thanks for open-sourcing this, Sparkfun; I couldn’t have “got there” otherwise. Unfortunately, this completely bombed for me due to its failure to cope with space characters in file paths. This is easily fixed once diagnosed. Towards the end of the ULP, change the line which says sprintf(s, “SCRIPT %s;\n”, scriptFile); to say sprintf(s, “SCRIPT ‘%s’;\n”, scriptFile);. See that I added single quotation marks; what a difference two characters can make in progamming!
A second issue with the Sparkfun ULP is that component names get changed because the Eagle PASTE operation prevents name collision by assigning the next available number. The upshot is that each panelised board gets a different set of component names printed. Arghh! This does make sense if you think about these as being unique identifiers, as Eagle sees the whole composite as “one board”. I got around this using a tool already within Eagle.
The final issue is that the Sparkfun ULP was made for their scenario and there are lots of things which are irrelevant and the default settings need changing each time. I also didn’t want to adopt their workflow concerning design rules and CAM processor config. So I streamlined the script for me (I could do more; there is some cruft remaining). Here it is: Panelizer2
The Procedure
1. Prepare a New Layer with Component Names
From the board in Eagle: Tools > Panelize.
This does not actually panelize anything, but generates a script by iterating through all the components. The result of executing the script is that the component names are written into layers 125 (aka “_tNames” for top components) and 126 (aka “_bNames”) for bottom components). Since these are just written as text, they no longer need to follow the unique naming rule; they are not names!
At this point, show only the new layers and delete anything you dont want (I have found some component names which I deleted from the board re-appear in the new layers).
Also, be aware that:
- items in the new layers are created every time the Panelize tool is run;
- several other underscore-prefixed layers may be created, based on attributes in layers other than name and value, and some of these maybe should be moved into layers 125/6 (or better, have their source layers changed to 25/6).
2. Run the Panelizer ULP
If the Sparkfun ULP works for you, go ahead. There is a tutorial on Or maybe you have spaces in your file paths and can use it with the fix noted above. Alternatively, if you are using Seeed Studio, try using my hacked version.
Run a DRC now!
3. Run a Modified CAM Process
The upshot of step 1 is that we have component names in four layers (two for the top and two for the bottom) and the ones which your usual CAM process rules will put into the silk-screen layer are the wrong ones. The change required is quite simple. Start by taking a copy of the “.cam” file and open it in a plain text editor (Notepad will do, but I prefer “Notepad++”).
You are looking for the occurrence of 25 or 26 within a “layers” structure. For example, a typical setup for a top silk-screen would include the placement and names and define this using:
“layers”: [
Simply change the 25 to 125 (i.e. _tNames) and 26 to 126.
Then just run your modified CAM file in the CAM Processor.
Notes Concerning Seeed Studio
I’ve found them fast (accounting for shipping from China), cheap, and (so far) of good quality. I use the basic PCB service, which has a 100mm x 100mm standard board and panelisation of identical boards attracts no additional fee. There are some rules concerning panelisation which the revised ULP adopts.
Blind Alley
In addition to the gremlins with the Sparkfun ULP, I did attempt to use “gerbmerge”; I had used this quite a few years ago. This time I used gerbmerge3, which is an adapted version for Python 3 (the older version was Python2 which has not been maintained for several years). Unfortunately, after setting up the config files, while the program ran, it barfed on one of my gerber files due to a directive which it did not recognise: “%MOMM*%”. I failed to find out what the significance of this is and whether I could safely hack the code to ignore it… only to find there was some other similar issue… and a rat hole of misery.