The download below is a GPX file suitable for GPS and digitak mapping software. The locations are of sites mentioned in the Peak District Mines and Historical Society newsletter editions 122-133. These are not sites I have GPS-located but have been transcribed from grid references in the newsletter. These are sometimes 6 figure OS Grid refs and sometimes 10 figure. They may be wrong! The comments are generally very brief and the intent is that reference is made to the appropriate newsletter, using these “waypoints” as a spatial index. The waypoint names are of the form “PD-N122-03” which means the reference is in Newsletter 122 and is the third one (generally in the “Observations and Discoveries” section).
(At present Newsletters are not on the PDMHS website but many of the old journals are. Join PDMHS!)
GPX download: pdmhs-newsletters-122-133-for-web